Thursday, February 7, 2008

From Hamburg to Munich

The entrance to this amazing galleries is a architectural delight, lost in a perspective vortex we started our tour- to Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg to the Pinakote in Munich.

The personality of this two galleries vary vastly in concept and art. where a great play of color and form meet as if was the first time. It takes shape in the most refine form in hyper realistic paintings to a more comical and sarcastic sense of art in photography and lets not forget the extreme conceptual installantions beauty without reason.

Awaking the sensences. Portraits of body parts, or a human being re-constructed by a photographer

This photo has a realy sweet metaphor. I try to describe of the thousands things that go thru my mind when an all mighty powerful one is in a need of a little help. I'm not a religious person this photo makes me think how people have decive and lie to each other so much even the image of this man dosen't suit anymore their story. Politics + Religion = Mafia. It was gold mafia by the spanish, it is power mafia by the Israelis and Palestinians, is Money mafia by the Puritan America in god we trust.

This was one of my favorite, little old ugly man in time capsules the gestures of their faces are very real we try to make them laugh and actually manage look at the face on the old dark prune

This is something wicket, to be a hyper-realistic artist there most be a great self-discipline, self-control and extreme understanding of acomplishment. When is the detail enough. All good things in life take time, this is an journey to world of detail. amazing work!!

There is of course more to see at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, this are just my owww impressions.

A few months later we visited the Pinakothek in Munich, 

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