Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Pumpkinds

This is the beginning of one of my many projects- The Pumpkinds, was inspire by the ignorance that sometimes roams in the city, especially by those street kids that for their social condition grew apathy towards the education they were given and perhaps thought that making money is the key to take them out of the deep hole they live in. 

The dumbkind was born out of this idea innocent ignorance.

Later on Jan came up with the term Pumpkind, a kid with one ultimate solution, "shoot them all" he is kind of the german style of a redneck, later I created the Zoomkind an image for all the media gicks that are always overwhelm with too much information.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Where the sun never shines

Workers looking for the easter eggs

Watering the spring flores with benzine

The new season bringing a fresh vision

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The seventh Art

twisted stories, camaras, especial effects, big screens... I think films are a blick to our feauture or our unnotice reality. Here are some of the latest films I've seen.
Auf der andere seite Fatih Akin: Some times what we most want is lying under our own eyes, sometimes it already happend and we didn't know it.

No country for Old Men
- Cohen Brothers: A little bit of american culture, about this breed of psyco killers. Its bloody and sarcastic.

Wächter der nacht -Timur Bekmambetov: Really cool special effects and fun story there are two movies to the story the fight between good and evil.

I am Legend- Francis Lawrence: Base on the novel by Richard Matheson 1954. Science fiction I love the analogy to what is a virus in our society now a days.

Favorite Directors
Marc Caro and Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Cohen Brothers,

Words that make you wounder

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true."- Soren Kiekegaard

"Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
-Unknown author

"Lots of people buy things with money they don't have. Things they don't need in order to impress people they can't stand" - Proverb

"Every straight line is a crime"- Hundertwasser

Thursday, February 7, 2008

From Hamburg to Munich

The entrance to this amazing galleries is a architectural delight, lost in a perspective vortex we started our tour- to Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg to the Pinakote in Munich.

The personality of this two galleries vary vastly in concept and art. where a great play of color and form meet as if was the first time. It takes shape in the most refine form in hyper realistic paintings to a more comical and sarcastic sense of art in photography and lets not forget the extreme conceptual installantions beauty without reason.

Awaking the sensences. Portraits of body parts, or a human being re-constructed by a photographer

This photo has a realy sweet metaphor. I try to describe of the thousands things that go thru my mind when an all mighty powerful one is in a need of a little help. I'm not a religious person this photo makes me think how people have decive and lie to each other so much even the image of this man dosen't suit anymore their story. Politics + Religion = Mafia. It was gold mafia by the spanish, it is power mafia by the Israelis and Palestinians, is Money mafia by the Puritan America in god we trust.

This was one of my favorite, little old ugly man in time capsules the gestures of their faces are very real we try to make them laugh and actually manage look at the face on the old dark prune

This is something wicket, to be a hyper-realistic artist there most be a great self-discipline, self-control and extreme understanding of acomplishment. When is the detail enough. All good things in life take time, this is an journey to world of detail. amazing work!!

There is of course more to see at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, this are just my owww impressions.

A few months later we visited the Pinakothek in Munich, 

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Finally after two and a half years Saffa and I, had finally jump in the water, it has been one rocky and slummy road renewing visas in Canada and hours at the auslanderamt in Germany. Every second and every breath our love for each other grows and grows bouncing between borders, we have decide to unite so now you will hear and see us in STEREO ecoing thru the world.

Just a little later after the 2007 Spring Equinox we went to Denmark to sign a paper where we make it clear to the square headed govements burocrats that we are one and will be one and probably in some past life we were one too.

The whole thing was really funny, danish people are amazing simple smily people, we went with Vidori, who caught the bride's boque, we travel around Denmark from the
Baltik sea to the North sea in the west. walked on dunes and run around the beach.

To all our family and friends in Colombia, Canada, Israel, Europe we will be making a little one's ceremony in August where....Europe so make your plans to visit us this summer in the old continent and play with us.