Saturday, March 24, 2007


Finally after two and a half years Saffa and I, had finally jump in the water, it has been one rocky and slummy road renewing visas in Canada and hours at the auslanderamt in Germany. Every second and every breath our love for each other grows and grows bouncing between borders, we have decide to unite so now you will hear and see us in STEREO ecoing thru the world.

Just a little later after the 2007 Spring Equinox we went to Denmark to sign a paper where we make it clear to the square headed govements burocrats that we are one and will be one and probably in some past life we were one too.

The whole thing was really funny, danish people are amazing simple smily people, we went with Vidori, who caught the bride's boque, we travel around Denmark from the
Baltik sea to the North sea in the west. walked on dunes and run around the beach.

To all our family and friends in Colombia, Canada, Israel, Europe we will be making a little one's ceremony in August where....Europe so make your plans to visit us this summer in the old continent and play with us.